Monday, 11 February 2013

Honesty God's Policy

"Repay no one evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men."- Romans 12:17

There was a young man who used to tend the flock of his father. He would shout and scream that a veld fire has started. The whole community would run to find he is only joking. He played the prank numerous times until the people listened to him no more. He was known as the dishonest child. One day a real veld fire broke out, he screamed for help and no one came. he tried to convince everybody but no one budged. The whole village burnt and he lost everything dear to him.

Honesty is more than telling the truth at all times. Being truthful is a fruit of honsty. Honest people are known to tell the truth, but in essence honesty is not telling but acting out the truth. Becoming the truth and living it. We live in a world where people fail to embrace this character. As a result many people are not infact no one human is trustworthy either than the person you see in the mirror. Child of God be trustworthy, be honest in character in the sight of all men. As representatives of Christ we ought to appear in honesty at all times we are to mirror the honesty of the Messiah to the world. This might sound like a babe msessage but your spiritual maturity and deceptive character wil not earn you a share in Gods kingdom, so change your heart and mind and relinquish any form of dishonesty from your sphere of contact.


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