Sunday, 24 February 2013

Prevailing Word

"And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory...the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of  grace and truth"

For years the word of the Lord would deliver Israel from all kind of dilemmas. The word would be activated to aid Kings of Israel and win them battles(2 Chronicles 20:15), that same word would send health to the sick and provision to the needy. The word was not known but heard and whenever it was in operation great manifestations were brought about by this intangible word of God.The unseen word of God was Gods authority manifested on earthg, nations trembled when The God of Israel received a word from God, when the word said God left them they would confidentially attack with no fear, pagans believed in this word.

One day in the midst of a man seen as a prophet, the crowds saw terror fill the face of this man, as never was before. The angels in heaven rushed to view the scenes of the begining of the activation of this eternal word...yes the word was clothed in skin and sinew, it became human. The word of God could relate to people and their emotions, it could be tempted and get tired and feel like giving up, the pains of life would meet this eternal word. His closest friend betrays him, his right hand successor denies him, his true friend doubts him.All the people he healed and peformed miracles in their midst signed the pledge to crucify him, he looks in the crowd and sees the faces of those his hands have healed....the blind and lepers...alone with no help the word of God is put to death.

"So shall my word that i send it shall not return void, but it shall accomplish whayever i send it to do".The word cried out in golgotha "It is finished" every fleshly dilema, problem and situation, every situation and religious sects of mono superiority was nailed with him, every human flesh ever born began to enter inside of him as he defeated every physical problem and barrier for the human race. It was finished, his work in the flesh was accomplished, he unified jews and geitiles, slave nor free brother yes that sinner you dont talk with, that outcast you ignore he decided to unify the whole world in himself, it was no longer Jesus on the cross but the whole world was nailed to the cross.sin and its demise, ungodliness and perveted behaviour grudges and unforgiveness, every impure action and thought and the sin you will faulter with tomorrow was nailed upon that cross. His job was far from over, it might have been victory in the flesh but he went to gain victory in the spirit. He conquered the devil and his right hand angel , the power of the devil, the terrot of humanity nd fear of man kind....yes death faced him face to face. The whole world in him, me and you in him, he defeated death on the third day and was crowned the king of kings and it all happened with me in him!

Whatever you going through today, whether physical or spiritual remember that he conquered and prevailed. that same word is near you even in your mouth, talk the scriptures to life and se the word walk the streets of south africa like he did in galilee.


Monday, 11 February 2013

Honesty God's Policy

"Repay no one evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men."- Romans 12:17

There was a young man who used to tend the flock of his father. He would shout and scream that a veld fire has started. The whole community would run to find he is only joking. He played the prank numerous times until the people listened to him no more. He was known as the dishonest child. One day a real veld fire broke out, he screamed for help and no one came. he tried to convince everybody but no one budged. The whole village burnt and he lost everything dear to him.

Honesty is more than telling the truth at all times. Being truthful is a fruit of honsty. Honest people are known to tell the truth, but in essence honesty is not telling but acting out the truth. Becoming the truth and living it. We live in a world where people fail to embrace this character. As a result many people are not infact no one human is trustworthy either than the person you see in the mirror. Child of God be trustworthy, be honest in character in the sight of all men. As representatives of Christ we ought to appear in honesty at all times we are to mirror the honesty of the Messiah to the world. This might sound like a babe msessage but your spiritual maturity and deceptive character wil not earn you a share in Gods kingdom, so change your heart and mind and relinquish any form of dishonesty from your sphere of contact.