Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The beauty of thy fellowship

"Now God is faithfull by whom you were called into the fellowship with his son Jesus Christ"-1 Corinthians 1:9

The most beautiful even that happened at the cross was that Christ became sin, the nature the human race had personalised. He as the scape goat took upon himself ther fallen nature of adam's race and nailed it to the cross. The story continues to show us how he single handedly destroyed the prison that was made for sinners; How he defeated the devil and rose again victorious and triumphant. He undid in three days what Adam did in Eden. He restored the mutual participation of God and the human race in himself.

When we read the bible in Gen 2:24, it talks about a man leaving his parents to cleave unto her wife. The word cleave is the  hebrew word  "DABAQ" it means to be joined as one. When Adam cleaved unto eve, they became one kind, Human kind.

In the above verse the bible tells us we were called into a fellowship with the son of God. The greek rendering of the word "fellowship" is "KOINONIA", similar to cleave it suggests a ( partnership, union, communion, oness, participation, social intercourse).When eve joined together with Adam they became the human kind, When Christ joined together with the church, the church became the Godkind. Brothers and sisters we have been summoned into the participation with Christ! I partake in his victory over sin, sickness and darkness, I partake in his victory over the world, over sin and over inferiority before the throne of God. He cried "eloi eloi" so that I could never again be seperated from the love of the father. He took my place so I could take his. I can rightly stand legaly before the father and make claims and demands the same way the master did. The father in heaven hears me as he does Jesus. My voice and that of Christ are intercoursed as one. With the same shout that raised lazarus from the grave, in the name of Jesus, as a participator of the divine nature I call forth every dead thing in your life to come alive!

Prayer: Father God I thank you for calling me in Christ, so that I can feel the open heaven of Eden in my life, thank you for the restoration of fellowship, I pray that you ingraft it in my spirit and let it be the light that shines to the world. Let the world see you in my eye, in Jesus name Amen.


Friday, 6 September 2013

Defeating Giants: Mental Giants

Num 13:33 "And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, of the giants. And we were in our own sight like grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."

When God had already told the Israelites to enter thePromised Land after years of wandering, they were already at the verge of the promise coming to pass. The above scripture shows us the report on how the promise land was. Indeed it was filled with milk and honey, yet the minds of the people faced Giants. The two opponents matched together were were Israel and the Giants, the conclusion of the stronger contender was already decided. They were not there yet, they were not contesting but already they saw themselves as unworthy. The Problem was not the Giants in Canaan. The scripture says "We saw ourselves and so did they" In other words they introduced themselves as grasshoppers. The bible tells us, the news of how God took them out of Egypt reached every nation. Their God was feared but in the contest they named two opponents, Israel and Anak, they forgot that the battles are not theirs, there was an Ark carrying eternal presence.

The bible doesnt tell us if they asked the people of Canaan what they think of them. It was their own mindset. They saw the stature of the Giants and based their challenge on appearance. Child of God you may be facing situations and circumstances that look bigger than your paycheck, bigger than your understanding, bigger than your normal challenges. The children of Israel were champions of exoding(exiting) but they had no skill in entrances, the minds of those who saw themselves incapable became an obstacle at the door of the promise. Sometimes we stop praying and believing when our answer is at the tip of our noses because how we see the whole situation gives us our reality. We are creative children of a creative God. Whatever we speak and believed we shall conceive.

There was once a man who was prisoned for 50 years and in his 50th year they visited him. They knocked and he answered "I dont have a key" they told him to open he kept saying "im locked up", eventually he turneed the knob and it opened, for 45 years the door was left open, but he imprisoned himself because he saw himself locked, in his mind he was locked even when in reality he was set free.

The children of Israel had God on their side with all his power but the fear to step into what God promised was blocked by a mental Giant. Throughout the scripture we hear of the Israelites defeating people but theres no were they entered combat with a nation of Giants, because caleb and Joshua changed the view of the people. He said "Giants were? they are bread for us" then suddenly the Giants started to turn into loaves of bread in the minds of the people who eat daily bread.Defeating them would be our daily bread. New confidence sprung up in the camp, the nation was determined to give Anak and his children a hidding. Saints change your mind = change your world. Change your world =maker the rules and overcome any mountain! See it, talk it and step on it!


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

God's Point of contact (Part 1)

"And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me"-Isaiah 6:8

When God had a message to give his people there was a dilemma in heaven. A place filled with billions of God's messengers yet he had no one fit enough to send to his people. In the old testament we see a lot of times angels visiting the patriachs in human form. The Only time these angels appeared in their true form was in dreams.The bible taught us that human beings are spirit beings who possess a soul and live in a body. God talks to us in two-fold.

1. Through The inner man
2. Through a messenger

In the above scripture God needed a messenger to speak to a group of people. A question was posed as to why didn't God send an angel? why was he in need of a messenger in a heaven filled with angels? The answer is that spiritual beings cannot be seen by physical beings. The reason why many believers do not have a personal encounter with God is because they relate to a spirit God in their physical ability.Isaiah was God's reaching out point to his people. The message he caught in the Spirit he could convey in the flesh as he has the necessary abode to this realm. That is why God needs messengers, his hand was mighty to open the red sea automatically, but his power needed a point of contact which was moses. He could have destroyed Goliath in the midst of the philistines, but he needed a point of contact, David to carry out the task and vessel the power of God. Once you begin to break lose from the myth of understanding God your own way, and let him reveal himself in your life, you stand in the gap like Isaiah. You become his point of contact in your sphere of contact. You may be at work and theres a sick person, or at school, the power of God is already inside you to heal and save all that are lost, you are God's voice in this world. Jesus gave you the ability and power, he made you a son of God. As a son you obtained something bigger than moses, if the rod of moses had power in his hand when God was in heaven? how much more you when He lives inside of you.

Child of God you got to understand that heavens point of contact to the lost is you, God is not silent he has already given the nessage in you, when people dont hear about him its not that he is not talking its that you are not. The bible is more than words from God, these words are his voice, the sentence you read in the bible is God talking to his children, but the only way he can is through you! make yourself available to house the power of God.

Acts 19:12- When Hankerchiefs abd aprons were touched by paul, they would heal the sick. The hankerchiefs with no intellect whatsoever could be the point of contact of the Apostle. The power of God is transferred into you the minute you receive the holy Spirit. He makes you God's touch to a needy world. You gotta begin to be aware of this great revelation that you are God's adress and his touch in the world is through you! begin to touch and change the lives of people by showing them God through you.


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Secret revealed-Childish Pastors

"and said, Truly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven". Matthew 18:3-4

They had witnessed him work miracles and teach the word with signs and power. The master finds a place to seat and turns his focus from the adults he said his beatitudes to.He forgets the unhealed lepers and the demon possesed, he sees the greatest parable he has taught manifest, a little child, the very expression of purity, the heart new from heavens manufacturor, Jesus sees the perfect man, the tamed creation filled with love, hope and love. He suddenly stops the disciples from stopping the children and says a very remarkable statement, "For such as these is the kingdom" The secret to greatness was not the wealthiest congrigant, the secret was not a beautiful auditorium, the secret was not praying all day and reading the word, though they are essential the master tells us the secret. The reason why David the boy slain goliath, the reason why samuel the boy heard of the future of his father eli and sons, the reason why we sideline them at 9 when the preaching ministry is in them, we abort their gift because their age is suppose to match God's power in them? If Israel waited for the 8 year old Josiah to grow to 30 before crowned king, they would have lost the peace that king Josiah's reign had for Israel. 
The mistery was revealed in the parable of the master, for such as these. Every great move of God began with a child, it was the baby Jesus who taught the synagogue, oh yes it was the child Saul of tarsus who was the armour bearer of those who killed steven, that fired up his passion and made him confesss "Im not only willingh to be bound but to die(like steven the great) for the name of Christ"  The heart of a child is tremendous, It doesnt need to forgive, yes it holds no grudge at first, Ive seen born again pastors who dont greet another cause of "sheep thieving" earthly posession, Ive seen Christian of different denominations not greeting for difference in doctrine, What divides us is magnified and what unites us is forgotten.

The greek original text "little children" is one word=Paidion , According to Strongs greek dictionary, the word Paidon talks of young children but it is used by Jesus figuratively as to signify Immature Christians or newly converts. Now why would Jesus tel the establish Peter and the Visionary John to convert from a highest point in the kingdom to be a "Paidion"? Though they knew the secret to parables spoken and had the authority Christ gave them they needed to convert to little children to enter the kingdom, The new convert is still not fully wiped of his memory of his sinful disqualifications, he stil depends on grace. Self righteousness has not crept in his system, he is not looking to be the greatest he is grateful to be a part of the kingdom of God. I do not want a C.V read before I minister, I do not want my degree mentioned because it serves no purpose how much i studied I come as Paidion because its all about the kingdom, not the church building, the members no! Let us unite and grow the kingdom, i look foward to that day were a movement of combined ministries will arise in SA, You were not called to have independent families but to unite! I appeal to all saints, how do we explain a street with 10 churches next to each other fighting for people? people are souls not products! Its time for the childlike pastors to play in the same playground.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Women of virtue

"Who can Find a woman of virtue? for her worth is far more precious than rubies"

As I looked around the world, I noticed that we produce alot of woman activists for good yet there a lack of virtuous women. The bible talks of  this woman as parrallel to wealth and riches. The wealth of a women is not her bank account or the number of people she is attracting, but the virtue she has within her. Virtue is a character, it is an attribute that distinguishes a woman from those around her. There may be billions of women out there but one woman of virtue grabs royal precedence than a billion super models. Child of God your worth is determined by your character, If you act cheap they will treat you cheap, If you dress cheap they will adress you cheap. A woman of virtue looks beyond social trends, If you gotta fit in you become like the rest, it is a woman who stands out who all men of every nature desire. You got to understand that no one places a bet on a losing horse, sister they after your virtue and keeping it will gain you glory! There were millions lining up for the palace but only Esther passed the test, her beauty and virginity was not the key! It was her character that mattered.

The bible talks about Ruth and Boaz. When Naomi gave the girls a choice to leave and find themselves husbands, the other left but Ruth chose to stick to Naomi. Women of virtue serve God they dont throw themselves in the hands of a man who is using them just to try to get married. Marriage has become a sole goal for young women today,they all stiock with trash to find treasure. The rubbish bin dont produce rubbies, you got to have virtue and character! Let God's word build ion you a character higher than those around you, If you dance the tune of your friends you cant expect a different fate. God calls people out of stuff, he called Abram out of oz, He called david out of the house of Jesse, he called moses out the palace. All that glitters is not gold, maybe you in the palace of egypt yet the virtue of God is being compromised, you are living in sin with a future contract in mind to legalise your sin! If you build ion sin you will decorate in sin. Have the Ruth character, that is able to stick to Naomi and wait for her Boaz, you may miss your boaz if you go looking for something that God was preparing for you. Be the woman a man of virtue is praying for, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword" Remember how you live now will be how you will be treated later. If the hippie lifestyle of the world is your bread do not complain ther meal of your seed growth. You attract who you are, and Boaz comes once in a life time! keep your virtue.


Sunday, 24 February 2013

Prevailing Word

"And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory...the glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of  grace and truth"

For years the word of the Lord would deliver Israel from all kind of dilemmas. The word would be activated to aid Kings of Israel and win them battles(2 Chronicles 20:15), that same word would send health to the sick and provision to the needy. The word was not known but heard and whenever it was in operation great manifestations were brought about by this intangible word of God.The unseen word of God was Gods authority manifested on earthg, nations trembled when The God of Israel received a word from God, when the word said God left them they would confidentially attack with no fear, pagans believed in this word.

One day in the midst of a man seen as a prophet, the crowds saw terror fill the face of this man, as never was before. The angels in heaven rushed to view the scenes of the begining of the activation of this eternal word...yes the word was clothed in skin and sinew, it became human. The word of God could relate to people and their emotions, it could be tempted and get tired and feel like giving up, the pains of life would meet this eternal word. His closest friend betrays him, his right hand successor denies him, his true friend doubts him.All the people he healed and peformed miracles in their midst signed the pledge to crucify him, he looks in the crowd and sees the faces of those his hands have healed....the blind and lepers...alone with no help the word of God is put to death.

"So shall my word that i send it shall not return void, but it shall accomplish whayever i send it to do".The word cried out in golgotha "It is finished" every fleshly dilema, problem and situation, every situation and religious sects of mono superiority was nailed with him, every human flesh ever born began to enter inside of him as he defeated every physical problem and barrier for the human race. It was finished, his work in the flesh was accomplished, he unified jews and geitiles, slave nor free brother yes that sinner you dont talk with, that outcast you ignore he decided to unify the whole world in himself, it was no longer Jesus on the cross but the whole world was nailed to the cross.sin and its demise, ungodliness and perveted behaviour grudges and unforgiveness, every impure action and thought and the sin you will faulter with tomorrow was nailed upon that cross. His job was far from over, it might have been victory in the flesh but he went to gain victory in the spirit. He conquered the devil and his right hand angel , the power of the devil, the terrot of humanity nd fear of man kind....yes death faced him face to face. The whole world in him, me and you in him, he defeated death on the third day and was crowned the king of kings and it all happened with me in him!

Whatever you going through today, whether physical or spiritual remember that he conquered and prevailed. that same word is near you even in your mouth, talk the scriptures to life and se the word walk the streets of south africa like he did in galilee.


Monday, 11 February 2013

Honesty God's Policy

"Repay no one evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men."- Romans 12:17

There was a young man who used to tend the flock of his father. He would shout and scream that a veld fire has started. The whole community would run to find he is only joking. He played the prank numerous times until the people listened to him no more. He was known as the dishonest child. One day a real veld fire broke out, he screamed for help and no one came. he tried to convince everybody but no one budged. The whole village burnt and he lost everything dear to him.

Honesty is more than telling the truth at all times. Being truthful is a fruit of honsty. Honest people are known to tell the truth, but in essence honesty is not telling but acting out the truth. Becoming the truth and living it. We live in a world where people fail to embrace this character. As a result many people are not infact no one human is trustworthy either than the person you see in the mirror. Child of God be trustworthy, be honest in character in the sight of all men. As representatives of Christ we ought to appear in honesty at all times we are to mirror the honesty of the Messiah to the world. This might sound like a babe msessage but your spiritual maturity and deceptive character wil not earn you a share in Gods kingdom, so change your heart and mind and relinquish any form of dishonesty from your sphere of contact.