Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The beauty of thy fellowship

"Now God is faithfull by whom you were called into the fellowship with his son Jesus Christ"-1 Corinthians 1:9

The most beautiful even that happened at the cross was that Christ became sin, the nature the human race had personalised. He as the scape goat took upon himself ther fallen nature of adam's race and nailed it to the cross. The story continues to show us how he single handedly destroyed the prison that was made for sinners; How he defeated the devil and rose again victorious and triumphant. He undid in three days what Adam did in Eden. He restored the mutual participation of God and the human race in himself.

When we read the bible in Gen 2:24, it talks about a man leaving his parents to cleave unto her wife. The word cleave is the  hebrew word  "DABAQ" it means to be joined as one. When Adam cleaved unto eve, they became one kind, Human kind.

In the above verse the bible tells us we were called into a fellowship with the son of God. The greek rendering of the word "fellowship" is "KOINONIA", similar to cleave it suggests a ( partnership, union, communion, oness, participation, social intercourse).When eve joined together with Adam they became the human kind, When Christ joined together with the church, the church became the Godkind. Brothers and sisters we have been summoned into the participation with Christ! I partake in his victory over sin, sickness and darkness, I partake in his victory over the world, over sin and over inferiority before the throne of God. He cried "eloi eloi" so that I could never again be seperated from the love of the father. He took my place so I could take his. I can rightly stand legaly before the father and make claims and demands the same way the master did. The father in heaven hears me as he does Jesus. My voice and that of Christ are intercoursed as one. With the same shout that raised lazarus from the grave, in the name of Jesus, as a participator of the divine nature I call forth every dead thing in your life to come alive!

Prayer: Father God I thank you for calling me in Christ, so that I can feel the open heaven of Eden in my life, thank you for the restoration of fellowship, I pray that you ingraft it in my spirit and let it be the light that shines to the world. Let the world see you in my eye, in Jesus name Amen.