"And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me"-Isaiah 6:8
When God had a message to give his people there was a dilemma in heaven. A place filled with billions of God's messengers yet he had no one fit enough to send to his people. In the old testament we see a lot of times angels visiting the patriachs in human form. The Only time these angels appeared in their true form was in dreams.The bible taught us that human beings are spirit beings who possess a soul and live in a body. God talks to us in two-fold.
1. Through The inner man
2. Through a messenger
In the above scripture God needed a messenger to speak to a group of people. A question was posed as to why didn't God send an angel? why was he in need of a messenger in a heaven filled with angels? The answer is that spiritual beings cannot be seen by physical beings. The reason why many believers do not have a personal encounter with God is because they relate to a spirit God in their physical ability.Isaiah was God's reaching out point to his people. The message he caught in the Spirit he could convey in the flesh as he has the necessary abode to this realm. That is why God needs messengers, his hand was mighty to open the red sea automatically, but his power needed a point of contact which was moses. He could have destroyed Goliath in the midst of the philistines, but he needed a point of contact, David to carry out the task and vessel the power of God. Once you begin to break lose from the myth of understanding God your own way, and let him reveal himself in your life, you stand in the gap like Isaiah. You become his point of contact in your sphere of contact. You may be at work and theres a sick person, or at school, the power of God is already inside you to heal and save all that are lost, you are God's voice in this world. Jesus gave you the ability and power, he made you a son of God. As a son you obtained something bigger than moses, if the rod of moses had power in his hand when God was in heaven? how much more you when He lives inside of you.
Child of God you got to understand that heavens point of contact to the lost is you, God is not silent he has already given the nessage in you, when people dont hear about him its not that he is not talking its that you are not. The bible is more than words from God, these words are his voice, the sentence you read in the bible is God talking to his children, but the only way he can is through you! make yourself available to house the power of God.
Acts 19:12- When Hankerchiefs abd aprons were touched by paul, they would heal the sick. The hankerchiefs with no intellect whatsoever could be the point of contact of the Apostle. The power of God is transferred into you the minute you receive the holy Spirit. He makes you God's touch to a needy world. You gotta begin to be aware of this great revelation that you are God's adress and his touch in the world is through you! begin to touch and change the lives of people by showing them God through you.
When God had a message to give his people there was a dilemma in heaven. A place filled with billions of God's messengers yet he had no one fit enough to send to his people. In the old testament we see a lot of times angels visiting the patriachs in human form. The Only time these angels appeared in their true form was in dreams.The bible taught us that human beings are spirit beings who possess a soul and live in a body. God talks to us in two-fold.
1. Through The inner man
2. Through a messenger
In the above scripture God needed a messenger to speak to a group of people. A question was posed as to why didn't God send an angel? why was he in need of a messenger in a heaven filled with angels? The answer is that spiritual beings cannot be seen by physical beings. The reason why many believers do not have a personal encounter with God is because they relate to a spirit God in their physical ability.Isaiah was God's reaching out point to his people. The message he caught in the Spirit he could convey in the flesh as he has the necessary abode to this realm. That is why God needs messengers, his hand was mighty to open the red sea automatically, but his power needed a point of contact which was moses. He could have destroyed Goliath in the midst of the philistines, but he needed a point of contact, David to carry out the task and vessel the power of God. Once you begin to break lose from the myth of understanding God your own way, and let him reveal himself in your life, you stand in the gap like Isaiah. You become his point of contact in your sphere of contact. You may be at work and theres a sick person, or at school, the power of God is already inside you to heal and save all that are lost, you are God's voice in this world. Jesus gave you the ability and power, he made you a son of God. As a son you obtained something bigger than moses, if the rod of moses had power in his hand when God was in heaven? how much more you when He lives inside of you.
Child of God you got to understand that heavens point of contact to the lost is you, God is not silent he has already given the nessage in you, when people dont hear about him its not that he is not talking its that you are not. The bible is more than words from God, these words are his voice, the sentence you read in the bible is God talking to his children, but the only way he can is through you! make yourself available to house the power of God.
Acts 19:12- When Hankerchiefs abd aprons were touched by paul, they would heal the sick. The hankerchiefs with no intellect whatsoever could be the point of contact of the Apostle. The power of God is transferred into you the minute you receive the holy Spirit. He makes you God's touch to a needy world. You gotta begin to be aware of this great revelation that you are God's adress and his touch in the world is through you! begin to touch and change the lives of people by showing them God through you.