Sunday, 12 May 2013

Secret revealed-Childish Pastors

"and said, Truly I say to you, Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.Therefore whoever shall humble himself like this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven". Matthew 18:3-4

They had witnessed him work miracles and teach the word with signs and power. The master finds a place to seat and turns his focus from the adults he said his beatitudes to.He forgets the unhealed lepers and the demon possesed, he sees the greatest parable he has taught manifest, a little child, the very expression of purity, the heart new from heavens manufacturor, Jesus sees the perfect man, the tamed creation filled with love, hope and love. He suddenly stops the disciples from stopping the children and says a very remarkable statement, "For such as these is the kingdom" The secret to greatness was not the wealthiest congrigant, the secret was not a beautiful auditorium, the secret was not praying all day and reading the word, though they are essential the master tells us the secret. The reason why David the boy slain goliath, the reason why samuel the boy heard of the future of his father eli and sons, the reason why we sideline them at 9 when the preaching ministry is in them, we abort their gift because their age is suppose to match God's power in them? If Israel waited for the 8 year old Josiah to grow to 30 before crowned king, they would have lost the peace that king Josiah's reign had for Israel. 
The mistery was revealed in the parable of the master, for such as these. Every great move of God began with a child, it was the baby Jesus who taught the synagogue, oh yes it was the child Saul of tarsus who was the armour bearer of those who killed steven, that fired up his passion and made him confesss "Im not only willingh to be bound but to die(like steven the great) for the name of Christ"  The heart of a child is tremendous, It doesnt need to forgive, yes it holds no grudge at first, Ive seen born again pastors who dont greet another cause of "sheep thieving" earthly posession, Ive seen Christian of different denominations not greeting for difference in doctrine, What divides us is magnified and what unites us is forgotten.

The greek original text "little children" is one word=Paidion , According to Strongs greek dictionary, the word Paidon talks of young children but it is used by Jesus figuratively as to signify Immature Christians or newly converts. Now why would Jesus tel the establish Peter and the Visionary John to convert from a highest point in the kingdom to be a "Paidion"? Though they knew the secret to parables spoken and had the authority Christ gave them they needed to convert to little children to enter the kingdom, The new convert is still not fully wiped of his memory of his sinful disqualifications, he stil depends on grace. Self righteousness has not crept in his system, he is not looking to be the greatest he is grateful to be a part of the kingdom of God. I do not want a C.V read before I minister, I do not want my degree mentioned because it serves no purpose how much i studied I come as Paidion because its all about the kingdom, not the church building, the members no! Let us unite and grow the kingdom, i look foward to that day were a movement of combined ministries will arise in SA, You were not called to have independent families but to unite! I appeal to all saints, how do we explain a street with 10 churches next to each other fighting for people? people are souls not products! Its time for the childlike pastors to play in the same playground.